And The Rain Rain Rain Came Down Down Down

  • Sat Oct 26, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Liz Ruifrok
  • Changeling: The Dreaming
  • Advisory is only possible, not definite. This can be discussed at the table.
  • X-Card, Lines/Veils, Open Door Policy
  • ()
  • 6
  • 8 of 8
  • Provided


Ahh, Baltimore Maryland. The home of such oddities. You are part of one of two Motleys, and this has been your home. True, the rain doesn’t seem to stop, and the flooding seems to hit Freeholds specifically, but you’re safe! You’re mostly safe.

Note: I will be sending a Lines and Veils checklist to all of my players prior to game to avoid as many triggers as possible.

Tags: Adventure, Collaborative, Comical, Dark, Drama, Emotional, Exploration, Fantasy, Graphic Violence, Hijinx, Horror, Intrigue, Investigation, LGBTQ themes, Melancholy, Modern, Mystery, Play to find out, Sex and Sexuality, Suspenseful

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