Backwater Sermons

  • Sun Oct 27, 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Sylvan Lawrence
  • Gravemire
  • Religious trauma, intense violence, potential major character death
  • Lines/Veils, Cut/Brake, Open Door Policy
  • ()
  • 4
  • 6 of 6
  • Created at the table


The year is 1894, and the bayou of Scarstone, Louisiana has gone wrong. Real wrong. Monsters crawl out from under the muck, magic twists the trees overhead, and the stars burning in the night sky whisper strange and terrible secrets.

There are rumours of a strange new group forming out beyond the Border, a religious sect that claims they can reverse the changes of the bayou completely. It’s gotta be hogwash, of course, but… what if it isn’t?

Backwater Sermons is a Gravemire one-shot. No previous experience with the Gravemire TTRPG is required! The 2D12 system is quick to pick up.

Tags: Alternate History, Collaborative, Dark, Gore, Graphic Violence, Horror, Investigation, Play to find out, Serious, Suspenseful

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