Crystalia: The Twilight Masquerade

  • Sat Oct 26, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Michael Garcia
  • Thirsty Sword Lesbians (PbtA)
  • This game may contain possible PC to PC antagonism, PCs committing terrible acts in their past, redemption of villains, likely romance of PCs and NPCs, possible body-horror stemming from the Necrohorde. Comfort levels with CW will be discussed with me, the GM, and valued and respected.
  • X-Card, Lines/Veils, Open Door Policy, Script Change
  • ()
  • 6
  • 4 of 4
  • Created at the table


You are the Necromancers and their Death Knights of the Imperial Necrohorde, servants to Lich Prime, the Conqueror of the Galaxy. For two centuries, the Necrohorde has warred with the Archon Alliance to conquer their homeworld of Crystalia, yet only half the planet is under your control. The Princesses of the Archon have proven to be troublesome adversaries, countering your might and wrath with beauty and love. Thus, you have been tasked to infiltrate their ranks and defeat them from the inside. The first part of the plan was a success, as you have gained the trust of the Princesses and absolute victory is just within your reach. However, now you realize you can”’t go back to the life of cruelty and hatred of the Necrohorde, nor betray the only beings in the galaxy who have shown unconditional compassion and kindness. All this time you have been hiding behind a mask, pretending to be someone you are not, and now that you must lift that veil, who will you find underneath?

This is a Romantic Spy Thriller using Thirsty Sword Lesbians. I will contact players who sign up early to give them first access to available archetypes and also make myself available to discuss desires, tone, and anything else that will make the game more enjoyable for us all.

[Note: I have run this game at BBC 2023. New and Old players are welcome].

Tags: Collaborative, Comical, Dark, Drama, Emotional, Espionage, Fantasy, Horror, Intrigue, LGBTQ themes, Melancholy, Play to find out, Romance, Sex and Sexuality, Suspenseful

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