Apparatchik Playtest

  • Sat Oct 26, 8:00 PM - 12:00 AM
  • Juan Sierra
  • Apparatchik
  • Death, Disaster, Hopelessness, Political Authoritarianism, Possible Body Horror & Disease
  • Lines/Veils, Cut/Brake, Open Door Policy
  • ()
  • 4
  • 5 of 4
  • Created at the table


Apparatchik is a collaborative, narrative-focused roleplaying game that focuses on the actions of the wrong people at the wrong time: career bureaucrats put in charge of a national disaster.

There is no prescribed explanation for the events that take place in the fiction. Players collectively generate an explanation as they fill in details throughout the game. Players are fully in control of the how and why.

The Disaster is unprecedented in the history of the world and threatens not only The People and The State, but countless lives beyond. It is not a consciousness that can be reasoned with. It has no agenda or goals. It respects no political authority or national boundary. It transcends morality. It simply is. And it must be stopped.

Make no mistake, the situation is already disastrous. It is up to you, the Apparatchik assigned to the Disaster Relief Committee, to avert total catastrophe.

The world can only hope you are equal to the challenge.


Apparatchik is my love letter to disaster films and docu-dramas. It takes heavy inspiration from the Chernobyl miniseries, Seconds from Disaster, YT channels like Plainly Difficult, Contagion, The Andromeda Strain, and others.

While this is a play test, as Apparatchik has not yet been formally released, the game has been previously played and tested, and is nearly ready for public release.

Tags: Alternate History, Apocalyptic, Collaborative, Dark, Drama, Investigation, Modern, Mystery, Play to find out, Serious, Suspenseful

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