Tomb of the Sea King

  • Sun Oct 27, 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Dalaki Livingston
  • Crest Saga
  • X-Card, Cut/Brake, Open Door Policy
  • ()
  • 2
  • 5 of 5
  • Provided


The Tomb of the Sea King has recently been found in a jungle that just arrived from another world. The party has been hired to traverse the jungle and find the Tomb to recover any information they can from this archaeological marvel. No one knows much about the Sea King as no adherents of the religion have been discovered in the area yet. Scholars are eager for any writings or artifacts the party may find.

Crest Saga playtest with our starter adventure. We will have pre-generated characters to try out. Through magical markings called Crests, players will manipulate magic and probability to make their saga a success. We have exploding dice, a mechanic for over using magic, as well as collaborative combat.

Tags: Adventure, Collaborative, Combat, Exploration, Fantasy, Mystery, Play to find out

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