The Far Roofs

  • Fri Oct 25, 8:00 PM - 12:00 AM
  • Jenna Moran
  • The Far Roofs
  • Heights, rats, a GM running a con game for the first time
  • X-Card, Lines/Veils, Cut/Brake, Script Change
  • ()
  • 4
  • 6 of 6
  • Provided


Things were pretty normal until you heard the sound of hoofbeats on the rooftops. Until that flurry of snow interrupted the hottest week you’d had this year. Until you found the flowers growing up through the walls and out your kitchen shelves.

A story of talking rats, a god-monster Mystery, and you.

Tags: Collaborative, Drama, Emotional, Exploration, Fantasy, Hijinx, Light

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