The Robin’s Nest

  • Sat Oct 26, 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Trevor Placker
  • Perils and Princesses
  • X-Card, Lines/Veils, Open Door Policy
  • ()
  • 4
  • 6 of 6
  • Created at the table


Having once again saved the land (with resolve, grace, and wits where brutish men-at-arms failed), you have all just sat down for a well-deserved picnic when your your fairy godmother appears with another cryptic warning. “Great trouble is brewing in the east. Seek the Robin’s Nest.” A princess’s work is never done!

A Perils and Princesses adventure. Mostly random character generation. Bring your polyhedral dice.

Tags: Adventure, Cute, Fantasy, Light

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