Sidereal Confluence: Trading and Negotiation Learn & Play


Sidereal Confluence: Trading and Negotiation in the Elysian Quadrant is an asymmetrical trading, negotiation, and engine-building game for 4-9 players. It’s a simultaneous-play game where you’ll be on your feet and talking for most of the game–often, a deal quickly made is more important than a perfect one!

Over the course of the game, each player must trade and negotiate with the rest to acquire the resource cubes necessary to fund their economy and allow it to produce goods for the next turn. Scheming, dealing, and mutually beneficial agreements are key to success. While technically a competitive game, Sidereal Confluence has a cooperative feel during the trading phase, as no player has the ability to thrive on their own. Trade well, and you’ll develop technologies and colonize planets to form a civilization that is the envy of the galaxy!

We will be playing with the expansion, Bifurcation, and a limited selection of civilizations to facilitate better first-time play. The game will start with a teach for all players, and I will be floating around the table afterward primarily as a gameplay facilitator and secondarily as a player. Expect four hours between the teach and gameplay.

Tags: Aliens, Sci-Fi

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