Intro to LANCER: Operation Solstice Rain

  • Fri Oct 25, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Michael Janov
  • Lancer
  • Lines/Veils, Cut/Brake
  • ()
  • 6
  • 5 of 5
  • Created at the table


You are a rookie Lancer, an aspiring mech pilot fighting in a far-future galaxy filled with hope, intrigue, conflict, and the belief that action can bring positive change. Some fight for Union, striving to provide freedom from material constraints, freedom of travel, and freedom from bondage. Others fight for the corpro-states and baronies that came before. As Lancers, you are the cavalry, breaking sieges, holding lines, and saving the day when diplomats have exhausted all options.

Operation Solstice Rain is a first-party, structured narrative mission module written by Kai Tave. You and your squad of Union pilots are ready to drop onto the city of Nov Elysia, tasked with a daring rescue operation when fighting breaks out during tense diplomatic negotiations between two of Cressidium’s largest nations, the Leandric States Alliance and the Vestan Sovereignty. We will be playing the first mission in the module.

Lancer RPG is a mud-and-lasers mech RPG blending narrative, pilot-centered stories with deep, tactical mech combat. Most of the time, Lancer plays like a tactical tabletop wargame with a mat and miniatures. Mech customization depth is a hallmark of the system, and gameplay rounds are tight and quick. No Lancer experience or miniatures are required to join!

Tags: Adventure, Collaborative, Combat, Drama, Intrigue, Military, Sci-Fi

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