Spelljammin’ across the universe

  • Sat Oct 26, 8:00 PM - 12:00 AM
  • Ian Norris
  • Fate Core
  • X-Card, Open Door Policy
  • ()
  • 4
  • 6 of 6
  • Created at the table


Welcome to Spelljammer— think elves in spaaaaace. There is a threat incoming from another universe—one where the gods have been captured by a powerful vampire! This perils your part of the ‘Space. This information was gleamed at a great cost–the mighty adventurers got that information with their life.

It’s now up to the B-team to draw together hidden allies, find weak points in the mighty path of the Vampire Empire, and take their ship into the great unknown of Spelljammer Space!

Will be run in the context of the Spelljammer universe, but using Fate Core rules.

Tags: Adventure, Collaborative, Comical, Exploration, Fantasy, Hijinx, Light, Pulp, Sci-Fi, Silly

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