Beyond the Dice: Exploring RPGs and the Pursuit of Higher Purposes

  • Sun Oct 27, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Doug Ronning, Sekayi Edwards
  • Workshop
  • ()
  • 2
  • 20 of 20


Role-playing games (RPGs) are more than just entertainment; they can be powerful tools for exploring deeper themes and personal growth. This workshop aims to delve into how RPGs can support meaning-making and foster a sense of higher purpose among players. It will be led by two psychotherapists, and avid RPG players, Sekayi Edwards, LMFT, and Doug Ronning, LMFT. Both have a passion for exploring the intersection of games and personal development. Participants will engage in discussions, activities, and practical gameplay scenarios to understand and experience these concepts firsthand. We will explore how storytelling and character development in RPGs can mirror real-life meaning-making processes. Identify common themes of purpose, ethics, and responsibility found in RPG narratives. This workshop is designed for educators, counselors, game enthusiasts, RPG players, storytellers, and anyone interested in exploring the deeper aspects of gaming. This workshop promises to be an enriching experience for all participants, blending theory with hands-on exploration in a collaborative and supportive environment. Participants will leave with new insights and practical strategies for infusing their RPG adventures with deeper meaning and purpose.


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