The Alashiya Letter

  • Sat Oct 26, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Dan "Toby" Williamson
  • Night's Black Agents (GUMSHOE)
  • Drug use, disease, biological weapons, vampires
  • X-Card, Cut/Brake, Open Door Policy, Script Change
  • ()
  • 4
  • 6 of 6
  • Provided


A team of MI6 contractors looks into international transport of dangerous biological weapons on Cyprus, unearthing a conspiracy stretching back thousands of years. Can the agents stop the terrible shipment without falling to the unhuman servitors that stalk the night?
An introductory scenario for Night’s Black Agents, a GUMSHOE game of super spies versus vampires. These aren’t Stoker’s vampires.

Tags: Espionage, Horror, Modern, Mystery, Serious

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