Ryuutama: Cafe in The Sky

  • Fri Oct 25, 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Doug Henderson
  • Ryuutama
  • X-Card, Lines/Veils, Cut/Brake, Open Door Policy, Script Change
  • ()
  • 4
  • 5 of 5
  • Created at the table


At one point, in everyone’s lives, people get this intense feeling of wanderlust. They put their daily lives on hold and travel the land with new-found companions, to find out more about the world, and at the same time learn about themselves.

Ryuutama emphasizes travel, exploration, community, friendship, harmony, and growth. There is also a “Japanese RPG-like” combat system, but while combat certainly happens, it’s not the central focus of the game. Ryuutama is a game that gives off a “feelgood”, or in Japanese, “Honobono” feel.

In this adventure, travelers will journey to the cafe in the sky, where ryuujin, dragon-folk, and other magical beings, relax and refresh. But when the proprietress gets sick, can the travelers step in and keep the customers happy?

Tags: Adventure, Collaborative, Cute, Fantasy, Hijinx, Light, Play to find out

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