Enter the Degringolade

  • Sat Oct 26, 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Nathan D. Paoletta
  • The Clay That Woke
  • Sexual politics will be part of play (how minotaurs relate to women specifically is part of the setting).
  • X-Card, Lines/Veils, Open Door Policy
  • ()
  • 4
  • 3 of 3
  • Created at the table


You are a minotaur in a human civilization sundered by a surreal, trackless jungle. Bound by your stoic philosophy of silence, you serve your masters in the great city of the Degringolade. If you serve well, you may even earn your name.

In The Clay That Woke, you play a nameless minotaur in a great, crumbling human city. We will play a slice of your lives as you perform your duties, support or undermine your masters, and strive to uphold silence.

This unique game by Paul Czege uses a custom set of tokens to circumscribe outcomes. It is designed for long-term play, but we will play through the early stages of your minotaur’s lives and discover how they may go on to shape the future of the Degringolade.

Tags: Collaborative, Drama, Fantasy, Melancholy, Mystery, Provocative, Serious, Sex and Sexuality

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