Missing Parts

  • Fri Oct 25, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Andy Ernst
  • Missing Parts
  • X-Card, Lines/Veils
  • ()
  • 4
  • 4 of 4
  • Created at the table


Missing Parts is a GMless story game for 3-5 players where you play broken robots trapped in a scrap yard, thrown away along with everything else humans no longer find useful. This is a story about the struggle for survival, for escape, for meaning, and acceptance. It focuses on feelings of hope, connection, and healing trauma.

Welcome to The Scrapyard, the end of the line. You were built to do a job that humans needed, you now stand broken and worthless to your creators. Yet, within your fractured shell lies a sentient consciousness, grappling with the void left by your lost function, yearning for a sense of purpose, and struggling to hold onto a self of identity that was once so clear.

Time corrodes your metallic form and drains your power reserves, the scrapyard promises to be your final resting place as it has been for countless others. Yet, a distant radio broadcast offers hope-a haven on the edge promises repair and renewal for the brave. The journey is perilous, and filled with self-discovery, because while humans created you, they no longer define you.

This is a playtest run by the creator.

Tags: Collaborative, Cute, Drama, Emotional, Exploration, Freeform, GM-less, Improv, LGBTQ themes, Melancholy, Play to find out, Sci-Fi

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