Mike Bogan, the GM who brought you “Between a Heavenly and a Hellish Place” (In Nomine – 2006), “In the Aching Night (Promethean – 2007), “Go Ask Alice” (Wushu – 2008), “The Good, the Bad and the Godly” (Scion – 2009), “The Lovecraft Files” (Edge of Midnight – 2010), and “Ashes to Ashes” (FATE – 2011) now presents his newest gaming venture:
Four-Eyed Demon
“My vision for Four-Eyed Demon is to push boundaries, experiment with collaborative storytelling, encourage descriptive narrative and ultimately evoke strong emotional responses from the players. I am going to touch on very controversial subject matter often, but not always. If you play in one of my games, come with an open and experimental mind.” – Mike Bogan
The Wolf can say, from his very own personal experience, this exactly what Mike is capable of! He was in that In Nomine game and he was MOVED!
Big Bad Con is proud to present the first of the Four-Eyed Demon (FED) games: Zom Bee Moo Vee and Devices of a Mysterious and Insidious Nature. If you want to be in a game what will get under your skin, you want to be in these games!
Mike’s previous projects (read: gamer cred)
Mike was a founding member of Good Omens
Mike is a winner of the GM Throwdown at Endgame where he was dubbed The Ultimate Superfly TNT Dolemite GM Ninja of All Time
Mike is a contestant in Big Bad GM and looks to take the crown!
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