Project Management for Tabletop RPG Publishing

  • Sun Oct 24, 9:10 AM - 10:00 AM
  • Steve Segedy, Eloy Lasanta, Jenn Martin, Sophie Lagacé
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Game design, development, and publication is a complex process, the sort of project that benefits from a manager… or maybe more than one! In this informative panel we’ll talk to actual game industry project and production managers, tease apart these important roles, and discuss the jobs and how to get them.

  • Eloy Lasanta (he/him) has been going strong for over a decade, designing amazing RPGs like The Ninja Crusade, Part-Time Gods, and Sins of the Father through his company Third Eye Games! He’s also co-owner of New Agenda Publishing, and their amazing afro-futuristic RPG, ORUN, will be out very soon! He’s always up for discussing design and publishing, and can’t wait for the BBC panel!
  • Jenn Martin (she/her) is a maker, writer, game designer, and project manager living outside of Chicago, IL. She keeps her feet on the ground as Production Manager for Bully Pulpit Games— with fair play and a square deal. She keeps her heart on her sleeve as the Larp Coordinator for Big Bad Con—where safety and care are central values. She keeps her eyes to the stars making games about space, curiosity and exploration. Her games include The Goose of Grillner Grove, Reunion (co-designed) and the forthcoming Beneath Violet Waves (Games that Bind Us) and Folly & Fortune (Fiasco playset).
  • Sophie Lagacé (she/her) has been gaming for so long that she thinks of THAC0 as “that new-fangled acronym.” She likes playing, game-mastering, organizing, reviewing, tinkering with, and writing about tabletop games, especially role-playing games. She has written for Atlas Games, Evil Hat Productions, Generic Games, Vigilance Press, and ZombieSmith.  She also was a Fate line developer and project manager for Evil Hat Productions and currently handles their electronic releases.

  • Steve Segedy (he/him) is a game publisher, a web developer, and a dad to two great boys. He is the man behind the curtain at Bully Pulpit Games, handling the day-to-day operations as Managing Director as well as handling production, editing, and occasionally a bit of writing for an award-winning line of games.

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