Big Bad Con defines all games maturity levels based on the information supplied by the GM. Big Bad Con does not review GM scripts and cannot guarantee that GMs will always conform to the maturity they specify, though Big Bad Con does expect this of all GMs. We hope these ratings will be helpful in selecting games players are most likely to enjoy.
On the Other Hand…
GMs are not responsible for the behavior of players in the game. They are not baby-sitters, and they are not to be held accountable for offensive behavior by any player. If a player is consistently breaking rules, playing in a manner that exceeds the game’s stated maturity level, engaging in what the GM considers excessive conduct of any sort, or is harassing any other player out-of-character, and does not stop the objectionable actions when asked, Big Bad Con delegates to the GM the right to ask that player leave the game. GMs are expected to use this power only as a last resort. If the GM doesn’t feel comfortable ejecting a player, please find a Big Bad Con staff member who will do so.
If you have any questions about how these policies are applied may tweet @bigbadcon or send an email to before the convention, or any staff member during the convention, for assistance or clarification. In all cases, our primary intent is to facilitate a game-playing experience that is positive for all participants, especially GMs, and our decisions on applying policy will be made with that intent foremost.
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