Big Bad Con is supporting the 2016 Metatopia Scholarship!

IGDNBig Bad Con is proud to be partnering with the Indie Game Developer Network and their 2016 Metatopia Scholarship!

This scholarship is part of IGDN’s mission to support a robust community of diverse game designers. They will be sending some of these talented individuals to Metatopia, The Game Design Festival, November 3-6, 2016. Big Bad Con’s contributions will directly fund a qualifying applicant from the Bay Area.

If you are a Bay Area resident currently developing a game, you should apply! The deadline for applications is October 5.

Donations to further bolster the Scholarship can be made through IGDN’s GoFundMe.

More information can be found on IGDN’s Metatopia Scholarship page.

Social Deduction Game Room

logo-envoyThe wonderful folks at Double Exposure and their Envoy program are bringing Big Bad Con a Social Deduction Room, featuring play-to-win copies of Ultimate Werewolf, One Night, The Resistance, and Coup, sponsored by Bezier Games and Indie Boards & Cards.

By day we’ll be playing the shorter games. By night we’ll be playing the longer and larger Ultimate Werewolf!

Play to Win Games

logo-envoyThanks to the wonderful folks from Envoy and the generous contributions for game manufacturers, this year Big Bad Con will return with the Play-To-Win program! And it will be Bigger and Badder than before!


  1. Check out a copy of a Play-to-Win Game, when available, from the Game Library in Open Gaming.
  2. Find a space and play the game.
  3. Return the game to the Game Library with a list of the first and last names of those who participated/played in the Play-to-Win game. Game Library staff will track participant/player entries. Note: Only one entry per person per Play-to-Win game during the convention.


The Play-to-Win game drawings will take place and winners’ names will be posted at the registration desk on Sunday at 1:00 PM. Players must be present at the convention to win. Unclaimed games will be donated to the Big Bad Con Game Library.

Available Games

It’s too soon to say for sure which games will be available, but we’ll update the list as the event draws near!


Everything you need to know to sign up for events!

Game signups open tomorrow (Sept 10) at noon PST. Here’s everything you need to know about it:

Verify Your Badge Now

Super important. If you haven’t already, head over to Verify your 2016 Badge and click the Book Now button. If you have any trouble email to let us know ASAP.

Signing up for Events

To get in a game or other event, go to the event page itself and if you’re eligible to get in, click the Book Now button.


  • Teen attendees (13-17) can sign up for all Teen events, and all events marked All Ages.
  • Adult attendees (18+) can sign up for all non-Teen events, and all events marked All Ages. Adults will be able to sign up for Teen events on Sept 24 at noon PST.

Event Phases

Signups are in three phases:

  • Phase I (Sept 10 at noon PST) — everyone can sign up for a maximum of 2 events; gamers ages 13-17 have priority for Teen events.
  • Phase II (Sept 17 at noon PST) — everyone can sign up for a maximum of 4 events; gamers ages 13-17 have priority for Teen events.
  • Phase III (Sept 24 at noon PST) — event signups have no maximum limit; gamers 18+ can sign up for Teen events.

Exempt Events

Some events will be exempt from your maximum number, which means you can sign up for them without it counting against your limit during Phases I or II.

Exempt events include:

  • Any event that you are running
  • Panels and workshops
  • Board game demos
  • Larps for 9 or more players
  • Special events

A full list of exempt events are here:

Board Games
Dresden Files Cooperative Card Game (DFCO)
Dresden Files Cooperative Card Game (DFCO)
Dresden Files Cooperative Card Game (DFCO)
Dresden Files Cooperative Card Game (DFCO
Dresden Files Cooperative Card Game (DFCO)
Dresden Files Cooperative Card Game (DFCO)
Ultimate Werewolf

Blind Lady Vs. RPG & LARP
Building Trust at the Table
Destroying The Fake Geek Girl Fallacy
Diversity in Gaming Discussion
How to go from being a good playtester to a great one
Make A Game In An Hour!
Make better Games with Science! Go from Playtesting to Researching
Real talk on Tabletop toxicity

RPGs and Larps
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Always/Never/Now – Part 2 (For Players in Always/Never/Now – Part 1)
Better Living Through Robotics
Big Bad Gauntlet: Superheroes – Player Signups
Big Bad Gauntlet: Superheroes – GM Signups
Big Bad Gauntlet: Superheroes – Agent Signups
Cats Like Food (Humans Like Sleep)
Cats Like Food (Humans Like Sleep)
Farewell to the Flesh
Fuyu no Yuri: Winter Lilies
Ghost Court
Improv Jenga
Night Forest
Rival Schools : United By Fate
Thank You Kindly
The Imperial Wedding
The Importance of Being Alien
The Ruritania Solution

Special Events
Kristin’s Birthday Rock Band Party
Wolf Chase 2016

Improv for Larpers
Rapid Characters
Workshop 1: Designing RPG Scenarios
Workshop 2: Tips and tricks for running your game
Mangaka: The Fast & Furious Game of Drawing Comics
Mangaka: The Fast & Furious Game of Drawing Comics

Game Registration, Badges, and Big Bad Teens

Big Bad Con 2016 is coming up fast. We can’t wait! We’ll be settling into our new home in the Walnut Creek Marriott with 30 private game rooms, fantastically talented special guests running games and panels, and much more. All games are online and scheduled now, and registration opens September 10 at noon (PST)!

Game signups this year will be in 3 phases:

  • Phase I (Sept 10 at noon PST) — everyone can sign up for a maximum of 2 events, gamers ages 13-17 have priority for Teen events.
  • Phase II (Sept 17 at noon PST) — everyone can sign up for a maximum of 4 events, gamers ages 13-17 have priority for Teen events.
  • Phase III (Sept 24 at noon PST) — event signups have no maximum limit, gamers 18+ can sign up for Teen events.

A calendar view of the games:

Important: Please verify your badge before September 10 so you don’t encounter delays when registering for games.

One new addition to the con we are especially excited about is Big Bad Teens. This year, Big Bad Con will feature rpgs, larps, and workshops specifically for young players ages 13-17. We’re thrilled to be providing this new track of age-appropriate events for young gamers, in an environment where all gamers can feel comfortable expressing themselves freely.

Our mission is to get the word out about Big Bad Teens across the Bay Area and beyond. Would you like to join us, and become an honorary member of the Wolf Pack? Great! Spread the word to friends, coworkers, and fellow parents about Big Bad Teens:

  • We have a diverse selection of events for gamers ages 13-17. Adult gamers may join, but teens get priority! Signups for teen games are limited only to teens until 9/24 and then those games will be open to all.
  • Teen 3-day badges are $25, and teen one-day badges are only $15!
  • All badges can be purchased online before Oct 5 or at the reg desk Oct 14-16.
  • Remember, you need a badge to register for games, so we suggest buying and verifying your badge before September 10!

We strive to create a safe, comfortable, and inclusive community, and can’t wait welcome teens to Big Bad Con 2016.

Looking forward to another great con!
