Baba Yaga’s Gift Boxes are in the mail!

For all those wonderful Kickstarter donors who chose the Baba Yaga’s Mystery Box, your curated box is in the mail!

Each curated mystery box is full of hand-picked or hand-crafted items from some of these amazing contributors: Emily Care Boss, Jason Morningstar, Carrie Harris, Doselle Young, Jamie Wyman, Brian McClellan, Daniel Solis, Elsa Sjunneson-Henry, Chuck Wendig, Stephen Blackmoore, Divine Cheshire, Exploding Rogue Studios, Eloy Lasanta, Sophie Lagacé, Aaron Vanek, and Justin Evans!

In addition, Evil Hat Productions is including a signed copy of War of Ashes in EVERY box we send out!


We did it!


This is amazing. You’ve gone above and beyond all that we hoped for!

Thank you once again for your contributions, for spreading the word about the con and the Kickstarter, and for being so awesome!


We’re going to have a Google Hangout to celebrate, talk about about the con this year, and generally geek out today at 1PM PST. If you’re free, please join us:

Finally, a send off from Kool & The Gang. Couldn’t resist!

Big Bad Con 2015 Feedback – How to make 2016 better!

A few months later than we would have liked to get it out, but still very useful for planning for 2016, here’s the feedback from 2015.

Thoughts on the data itself

Before digging into the results, here are some thoughts on the data set we captured this year:

  • We had many fewer entries than past years. 172 vs. 545 submissions last year. This isn’t a big surprise. We went from forms on every table to an online form folks had to go out of their way to fill out. With that factored in, we’re pretty proud of the 172 we got!
  • The comments were much more detailed than before. The definite upshot was that with a web form, many folks took their time to write very detailed feedback. Some of those comments were specific and detailed enough that we won’t post them here, but if you have any concerns whether or not they were received, please feel free to contact thewolf at bigbadcon dot com to confirm.
  • There was a lot of great feedback about the hotel and the food trucks, which is unfortunately only applicable in a general sense since we’re moving to the Marriott this year and the food options are going to change drastically.

With that said, here’s what you said.

Charts, Charts, Charts

We love our charts. Here’s the numbers!

Big Bad Con 2015 Feedback_1
Big Bad Con 2015 Feedback_2
Big Bad Con 2015 Feedback_3
For the most part, YAY! It looks like folks were happy, especially in the areas of our con staff and personal safety. However our offline sign ups and the noise levels could use some improvement. The hotel accommodations also had some issues, which we’ll be on the lookout for at the Marriott.

Summary of the comments

Remember what I said about detailed comments, we had twelve pages of them just on the con! Here’s my summary, broken down by categories:


  1. The play-to-win board games program was a appreciated, but should have been better advertised, both in how the program works and in when the drawings were going to be.
  2. Ghost Court is like cowbell. Everyone needs more Ghost Court!
  3. The game offerings were very strong this year, so even if someone couldn’t get into their first choices there were good alternatives.
  4. Ice Cream is also like cowbell. Bring back the Ice Cream Social (and other social activities, see below).
  5. Schedule GMs who are running back to back games to run both of them in the same room. (this intended, just a flub on my part!)

Physical Environment

  1. Boardrooms with three games in them were too loud. We either need to bring back the pipe and drape or reduce it to two games. There were several comments to this effect.
  2. Having hangout areas was great, but folks want more space and more different kinds of spaces. Specifically quiet nooks to read, knit, or otherwise decompress in.


  1. Coffee is also like cowbell. More coffee! Bigger coffee pots! Faster coffee service. COFFEE!
  2. Oh, more coffee please.

Dealers Room

  1. Folks would like to see more vendors, or to have Endgame carry more products. Pending the space available in the hotel this year, that may be possible.
  2. A request to see new games (just off the press from Kickstarter) in the dealers room.

Game Sign Ups

  1. Overall, folks loved the quota system that staggered sign us, and in general would like more staggering (2 games on the first week, 2 more on the second, etc).
  2. We need a better way to handle game cancellations, both of the GMs and when players can’t make games. That includes an easy way to communicate with the con when you can’t make it, and efficient means of letting everyone know if there is a space available in a game, or if the game has to be cancelled.
  3. On the flip side, it is really detrimental to games when players don’t show up. A few games folded (including one game that was under incredibly high demand during sign ups) because only two of six players showed up. LARPs, particularly ones that assign characters in advance, really suffer when players don’t show up.
  4. The procedure for getting into Games on Demand wan’t clear to some folks, we should improved our communication there.
  5. After the game registration went live, there wasn’t a reliable way to stay informed when new games were added to the schedule.

Community Standards

  1. For the most part this was a “Yay!” category. Several folks commented that they felt safe and welcomed at the con.
  2. We need gender pronouns on badges. We’ll be adding ribbons to attach to badges from next year!


  1. The Big Bad Con staff a great. They are welcoming, friendly, efficient, and helpful. What can I say, we’ve got the best peeps!


I’m only including these bits because they are things to watch out for at the Marriott:

  1. Some attendees had a nightmare with the con staff, but a customer service rep took good care of them. No way to make sure there aren’t hotel troubles but I’m going to get the name of a manager that is available during the con so we have a contact person to resolve issues as needed.
  2. Refrigerators were appreciated. Good news because the Marriott has them in all the rooms!


  1. Two people both remarked that when a player came 15 minutes late to a game and their seat has already been filled it was mighty awkward. We’ll look at putting out something official to say that after 10 minutes GMs can use their own discretion about allowing drop ins and/or not allowing late comers.
  2. Also, we should remind GMs to give players adequate time to attend to their bodies. In long games make sure to schedule in breaks to use the restrooms, stretch, get food, and the like.

General feedback

Most everything else was a lot of Untz untz utnz! So much love from all of you. Here’s a couple highlights:

  • This has always been my favorite Con and continues to do so. I am thankful for the staff, and community. Keep up the good work.
  • Still the best indie, narrativist RPG con.
  • I had a blast and while this was my first it will not be my last.
  • Big Bad Con is the best. Paragon con! <3
  • You rolled a critical!
  • I had a fabulous time! You guys did awesome!
  • Thank you for a wonderful con!
  • My first BBC. Color me impressed! I dropped an asteroid on the place and no one got mad. Woot!!
  • I can’t wait for next year.
  • Easily my favorite con.
  • My favorite weekend of the year!

Game Feedback

But what did people say about my game? I’m glad you asked. In response to requests that game feedback not be published or distributed to GMs without their consent first, we’re going to be sending out emails to GMs who have feedback on their games, asking if they want to see it. Those emails will go out next week.

Most of it was “SO GOOD” but some useful critiques sprinkled in as well!

Player Contributions

Or better phrased, who has authority to do what? In the origin of our hobby the Game Master had both the responsibility and authority to govern many aspects of the game. How challenging is that task to accomplish? How friendly is a random cobbler on the street? What happens when you do pull the sword from the stone?

Many game systems as well as styles of play have shifted that mode and distributed some or all of the authority around the table. Here are a guidelines to use when classifying the player contribution in your game. Note, most of these terms are not mutually exclusive, there are many games that will fall into more than one category.


Your game will ask many questions of the players and give them space to shape the world their characters occupy. Their collaborations could range from small color details to the entire direction of the game.

Examples of system that encourage collaborative play: Apocalypse World, Fate Core, and Prime Time Adventures.


Something of a misnomer, GM-less games are actually GM-full! Everyone is working together to create the challenges and turn the character’s choices into a narrative. GM-less games often assign certain roles such as “facilitator” to one player, but everyone’s contributions are weighted equally.

Examples of GM-less systems: Fiasco, Microscope, and Fall of Magic.

Play to find out

Less about authority and more about the direction of the story, play to find out games look to the action of the players, and the consequences of those actions to determine the next event, challenge, or scene in a game. Play to find out games are often called “sandbox” as well. An open world where the action follows wherever the players go.

Examples of play to find out game systems: Burning Wheel, Blades in the Dark, and My Life With Master.

Player Antagonism

Alternately called PVP, games that feature player antagonism allow or encourage players to pit their characters against each other either as a single element or as the focus of the game. Games featuring PVP need special attention to assure that the actions of our characters are not conflated with the actions of the players. While my barbarian may be poking your paladin in the chest trying to start a fight, I certainly do not want to harm or antagonize anyone at the table.

Examples of games that feature player antagonism: Paranoia, Monsterhearts, and Carolina Death Crawl.

Rotating Authority

Similar to GM-less play, games with rotating authority put different people in the role of GM at different times, either to adjudicate a particular game session, scene or element of play.

Examples of games with rotating authority: Polaris, Archipelago, and Night Witches.

Strong Storyline

A classic style of play where the GM has an adventure prepared and the players will navigate their characters through the story as they solve mysteries, evade traps, and struggle against foes the GM has planned for in advance.

Examples of games that encourage strong storylines: Pathfinder, Unknown Armies, and Werewolf: The Forsaken.


Safety and Calibration tools

File Format Pdf-256x256Sometimes a game can go in an unexpected direction, or explore difficult subjects, and situations or topics may come up that causes players to feel uncomfortable, scared, or even trigger memories of traumatic events.

Here are some mechanisms that promote clear communication to help avoid these situations and give players tools to address them when they occur. Even if these tools are never used, it often puts players at ease to know that everyone in the game is committed to having a good experience at the table.

Not all of these techniques are appropriate for every type of game, so consider which one or more will work best for you.

If a GM chooses to use one of these tools, please let the players know at the beginning of the game, and model and practice them as a group.

We’ve also included a PDF that you can download for easy reference!


Because of the improvisational nature of rpgs and larps, we don’t always know what will happen until it happens. The X-Card, created by John Stavropoulos, allows anyone (including the GM) to edit out content mid-game, and resolve issues as they arise.

  • Place a card with an “X” on it somewhere on the table where everyone can reach it.
  • Anyone can tap or hold up the X-Card mid-game, and the group will edit out the scene’s content, no questions asked.

More information on the X-Card can be found here.

Want to ask a question about the X-Card? Contact John Stavropoulos.


We all have our limits and boundaries. Lines and veils are different ways to handle those boundaries in play.

  • A line is a hard limit and indicates the topics we don’t want to explore in our game.
  • A veil is a “pan away” or “fade to black” moment. When we veil something, we’re making it a part of the story, but keeping it out of the spotlight. Think of it as a way to still deal with certain themes while avoiding having to describe them in graphic detail.

More about using Lines and Veils here.

Want to ask a question about Lines and Veils? Contact Emily Care Boss.


These tools originally came to us from Nordic Larp and are frequently used by larpers to signal when content is becoming uncomfortable or dangerous.

  • Cut: When someone says “Cut” (and/or signals to cut by crossing their hands in front of them, palms down), it signals that the situation has ventured into territory that makes a player feel unsafe, or even that a player is in danger of being physically hurt accidentally. When “Cut” is heard, all roleplaying must stop immediately and the game takes a short intermission as the facilitator and players involved work out how they can adjust the session to make it safer and better for everyone.
  • Brake: When someone says “Brake” (and/or signals to brake by holding up their hands in front of them, palms out), it signals that the current situation is going in a direction that the player is not comfortable with. It is the responsibility of the other players present to change the direction and/or reduce the intensity of play. Variations on “Brake” may be “Largo,” “Softer,” “Slow down,” or a custom word for that game.

More information about Cut and Brake here.

Want to ask a question about Cut and Brake? Contact Colin Fahrion.

The Door is Open

Having an open door policy means that at any time, for any reason, a player can leave the game, and that they will not be judged for doing so. This may be to take a phone call, a bio break, or to leave the game. If you don’t plan on returning, we encourage you to let the facilitator know so they don’t worry about where you went.

More information about Open Door is here.

Want to ask a question about The Door is Open? Contact Lizzie Stark.

Script Change

Often it’s good to discuss with your group a “rating” for your game content, however sometimes people don’t know their boundaries yet. Maybe they do, and they just aren’t expecting to kick down the door and find something that really makes them scared, or uncomfortable. This is where Script Change, created by Brie Beau Sheldon, comes in.

At any point during the game, if a player or GM finds that they are uncomfortable with the subject matter or actions happening in the game, they can call for a Script Change. To make things easier, the GM should write “Rewind,” “Fast Forward,” and “Pause” on individual index cards, and place them where it’s easy for anyone to reach. Players can tap or hold up the cards to communicate the following:

  • “Rewind” backs up a scene to revise the content.
  • “Fast Forward” skips over part of a scene.
  • “Pause” gives the players a quick breather before continuing the scene without making any changes.

Read more about Script Change here.

Want to ask a question about Script Change? Contact Brie Beau Sheldon.

More Tools

We hope that you read more about these tools and find one that works best for your gaming style. If there are other methods that you feel belong on this list, let us know!
