Big Bad Eats – Making them better!

Big Bad Con is growing every year, and the Goats welcome back attendees from previous years and can’t wait to meet people coming for the first time.

We’ve gotten amazing feedback from happy con-goers, and we’re more motivated than ever to keep expanding and improving.

And one thing that we’ve heard from you that needs improving is the availability of fast, cheap, and healthy food.

To address this, we’ve made some accomplishments and are still working on more options.

Achievement Unlocked: More Service!

The hotel restaurant is going to have three more staff that weekend in anticipation of the rush of hungry gamers. They’ve had slow service in the past, and we’re optimistic that this will make a difference.

But the Goats, Little Red, and the Wolf want you to have more options, so they put their heads together for some other plans to improve food availability. Some were shot down by hotel management; Big Bad Con is simply not allowed to bring in outside food for its guests. Some nixed ideas were:

  • Bringing in lunch platters
  • Hiring Tina Tamale or other local food trucks to sling tasty treats in the parking lot
  • Roasting a pig (Okay, the Wolf wanted that for himself)

But we want more!

One idea still on the table is Grandma’s Deliveries, wherein our hard-working con volunteers do scheduled food runs to various take-outs up the road, with a list of pre-paid orders. The logistics of this have yet to be determined, so we’re not ready to declare this a viable option.

What do YOU think?

What else can Big Bad Con do to improve your dining experience? Throw some ideas down in the comments and let’s see what we come up with.

Games filled up – Ben Lehman brought us more!

5522733-edible-snail-on-the-white-backgroundBig Bad has tons of great games on the roster… and boy did they go fast. Never fear, we continue to add awesome games as we see demand. Monte Lin offered us more Monsterhearts. Joe Mcdaldno gave us Apocalypse World and Ribbon drive. Now Ben Lehman has arrived and he’s rivaling Carl Rigney for most games run at the con! Here’s what he’s offering:

Blossoms in Winter – Playtest – A game about the tumultuous relationship of two students at the elite Meihua Girl’s Academy in Taipei

Polaris: Chivalric Tragedy at Utmost North – The name says it all.

Hot Guys Making Out – Hot Guys Making Out is about the relationship between Honoré, a former nobleman, and Gonsalvo, his ward. They are both totally gorgeous and have the hots for each other. Also pretty often there are other people trying to kill them.

Deeds and Doers – Deeds and Doers is a short, light version of d&d. We will be playing Ara Kooser’s Module series Brass Tomb of Abaan and Mountain of Swords.

SKEW – a science fiction short story – a protagonist is struggling to understand – a world that is beyond understanding

Game sign ups go live 9/7 – Everything you need to know before then!

So many things are happening at Big Bad Con right now, here’s the highlights:

  • The schedule is live. You can see the game listing by going to events or view the games visually on the calendar.
  • If you haven’t already purchased a badge, or recieved one for GMing or volunteering, pick up one now pronto! You’ll want one by September 7th (just a weeek away) when game registration opens. Head over here to get a badge.
  • If you have a badge already, but haven’t verified it, verify it now so you know your account is active and that you’ll be able to sign up for games when reg opens!
  • Like swag? Check out the Big Bad Threads. This year the Goats Gruff have got your back!

A couple other tidbits you may want to know.

  • Hotel rooms are still available at the con rate, but the rate ends 9/20 and the rooms could run out before then. If you’re staying at the hotel and haven’t arealdy, book a room now. As always parking at the hotel is free.
  • Big Bad Con is going mobile! The app should be delivered for iPhone and Android soon. Here’s an early preview.
  • For all attending, Big Bad Con now has a code of conduct. Please have a look.

Looking forward to seeing you at the con!

Goats in the Gruff!

The Goats Gruff are proud to tromp all the way from the Black Forest to meet you at Grandmas House (read: the con) and then onto your backs!

Orders have been placed. A limited selection of t-shirts will be available at the con.


Big Bad Moblile

This year The Wolf is hitting the road. Yep, we’ve got a mobile app, which will launch in September. Want a look? Check it out here.

