Giving twice as much at Big Bad Con 2011!

Last year Big Bad Con raised $505 for Doctors without Borders.

This year The Wolf and Little Red are proud to say we doubled that!

$1010 donated to Doctors without Borders in the combined contributions of Big Bad Con’s attendees and Duane O’Brien’s Crowdrise fundraiser

Donation Confirmation

Thank you for supporting Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). Your generosity gives us the financial independence we need to provide emergency medical care to men, women, and children in nearly 70 countries around the world.

Sean Nittner
Big Bad Con

Big Bad Con 2012 Contribution

One-time Gift: $880.00
Run from The Wolf Crowdrise Contribution: $130.00
Total: $1010.00

Your gift to Doctors Without Borders USA, Inc. (Federal Tax ID #13-3433452) is tax-deductible in the United States to the extent allowable by law. You will receive a thank you letter by mail, which will serve as your legal receipt.

If you have a question about your donation, please click here for a list of answers to Frequently Asked Questions. You may also contact Donor Services at (212) 763-5779 or at

To read our Commitment to our Supporters ­ a statement of our commitment to independent, needs-based programs, financial transparency, and effective and cost-efficient fundraising ­ please click here.

As a supporter we encourage you to stay connected with Doctors Without Borders online:

Thank you, again, for your donation to Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). We are truly grateful for your support of our programs.

The U.S. section of Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international independent medical humanitarian organization that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, natural
and man-made disasters, and exclusion from health care. ©2010 MSF All rights reserv

Programs, programs. Get your programs

The are coming off the press right now, and like last year these programs look great. We’ve changed from 11×17 to digest size for the programs so not only are we killing fewer trees, but they are also easier to carry around. Little Red and The Wolf are both burning the midnight oil printing them out.

Big Bad Con 2012 Program

Banners? Banners? Yes we need those super-slick Banners!

Remember last year when the Dealers room had one 8.5″ by 11″ sheet of paper taped to the wall to identify it? That was… not so so good. This year we have sooooooo good!

Gifts from The Hat

Fred Hick, and all of Evil Hat for that matter is made of awesome. It’s been said before, but it’s worth repeating now. As just another example of that awesome, Evil Hat just sent me a stack of these sweet shirts for the staff and GM running in the Evil Hat room. The only thing he could have done that would have been more awesome was send a super-intelligent ape to atten the con in one of these shirts…. wait Fred… don’t get any ideas… the shirts are great as is!

The Wolf and Little Red send many thanks for these Evil Threads!

Look what Little Red found online

Big Bad Con has just joined AetherCon’s ConCentric Circle of cons that concentrate on circles… wait…Burning Wheel reference not appropriate. Anyway, we’re cons that support each other and spread the word. So… here’s the word about Aether!
