You will be judged!

Leonard BalseraIn the 11th hour of Big Bad GM, there is but one man who could fill the the judges shoes and take the final seat at the judges table.

One man who knows Fate inside and out, because, frankly – he helped write the damn thing. Please welcome Leonard Balsera, lead system developer of the Dresden Files RPG and writer for Spirit of the Century, as the fourth Big Bad Judge.

If there is a way to run Fate, he’s tried it. If there’s a Fate hack for a quirky high concept, he’s done it. If there’s a dirty trick that Fate can pull, he can make it dirtier. His collection of Fate system notes could kill a man or stop a bullet, perhaps at the same time. Evil Hat is wise to keep his mind distracted by drop-shipments of booze and Legos, lest he try to take Fate and conquer the planet. Leonard Balsera is coming, from the depths of Sin City, to test the mettle of the best Fate GMs as only one of its developers can. Be warned GMs, you will be judged!

This Just-in: A new contender has entered the ring!

Big Bad GM Contestant Randy Davenport cannot make it to Big Bad Con. Some excuses like 2000 miles to travel or a bounty on his head are keeping him in Boston. Or maybe he just couldn’t handle the pressure.  So the Big Bad Wolf was forced to call on his secret weapon, a GM that will make the other contestants tremble…

Hailing from Petaluma, finalist in the Golden Geek podcast award from Board Game geeks, first GM to run a Horror Fate game that sent chills down The Wolf’s spine, prop-maker extraordinaire, and soon to be father, The Wolf Proudly presents Justin “Mr. Boy” Evans, aka This Just-in…and yes, that is a butterfly on his head.

Justin has been rocking Fate since the Dresden Files was a “coming soon” postcard. He’s used it to run Firefly space opera, horror, and many other milieus. At Big Bad Con his fate will be in the hands of the judges. Can he take the three ingredients they provide and make something magical? Find out at Big Bad GM!

Table assignments are done!

Hey all, last time you saw the schedule, games were all over the place. Their date/times were accurate but I didn’t know what was going to be where. Now the tables are assigned, so you’ll know what room/table your game is in. Check it out.

Schedule: (PDFGoogle Doc)

Who are we helping?

The Wolf is very pleased with all the support Big Bad Con has received. Not only will you all make tasty meals, your contributions are helping people all over the world. Be proud of the good work you’re doing and spread the word.

Below is a PDF flier. Link it, email it, and let gamers know. When you come to Big Bad Con and you’re not just having a great weekend of gaming, you’re saving lives!

Big Bad Con - Supporting Doctors Without Borders

The Big Bad Pins… Are In!

A loaded lanyardThe Wolf has been so busy crafting these pins, you’d think he had hijacked the elves (Nick, you’ve got nothing on me, paws don’t leave prints).

You’re going do awesome things at Big Bad Con, right? Like give food to charity? Like running games? Heck, just showing up at the front door makes you awesome. But where’s the proof. How to set yourself apart from other posers who say they were at Big Bad?

Achievement Unlocked: Pins!

Do cool things at the con and you’ll get them. More? The Wolf has his own special award for folks who make him laugh, cry, or help catch little red.

A giant pile o’ pins

Pile o Pins
