A Story for Lonely Kids

  • Sat Oct 12, 8:00 PM - 12:00 AM
  • Jon Argaman and Henry Towsner
  • Vignette
  • No Content Advisory
  • X-card, Open Door policy
  • California (79)
  • 4
  • 3 of 3
  • Created at the table


A Story for Lonely Kids follows a lost child through a season of being lost in a Woods full of strange people, and curious, wonderful, and frightening things. A Story for Lonely Kids is a game about self-discovery. At the beginning of the game, the lost child’s backstory, what’s wrong in their life, and why they’re really lost in the woods are obscure to everyone, even themselves and their player.

A child’s story is told across three vignettes that happen in different places in the Woods. Each Vignette is told in structured, back-and-forth narration; the Guide describes a situation happening in the Woods, while the player narrates how the lost child responds. The player has the power to make a limited number of pivotal decisions about how the Vignette resolves. Because the player does not yet know the child’s history, the player tries to let responses to the situation emerge organically. After the Vignette, the player reflects on what the child did and decides something about the child’s life or situation. Over the course of three Vignettes in different places in the Woods, the player fills in the child’s history at the same time as the lost child comes to terms with it.

Themes include trauma and healing, place exploration, and of course loneliness.

You might enjoy this game if you like immersive and emotional play, dark fairy tales, stories of self-discovery, stories with room for themes that resonate with you to emerge, and games where you have a lot of power to decide how the story ends.

The game session will include a complete orientation to the game and a workshop for learning to write Vignettes. Time permitting, each player will write one Vignette, portray one child’s journey through the Woods, and have the option to serve as the Guide for another child presenting the Vignette they wrote.

Tags: Collaborative, Emotional, LGBTQ themes, Serious

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