Alien Tea Party playtest

  • Sun Oct 27, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Meredith "Meri" Baker
  • Alien Tea Party
  • Open Door Policy, Other, Discard and draw
  • ()
  • 2
  • 10 of 10
  • Other/Does not apply


You are all aliens from different cultures who’ve gathered for a tea party or other casual social occasion. All your universal translators are working perfectly, but communication may still be tricky…

Alien Tea Party is a cooperative parlour game about how unspoken social rules make it hard to get what you need. You will randomly draw a Rule and a Need, pair up with a partner, have a short friendly conversation where you both try to meet your Needs without breaking (or directly stating) your Rules, and finally try to guess your partner’s Rule. It’s not a competition, your partner succeeding reflects well on you too!

While this game is meant to be funny and low-stakes, I’m aware it could be stressful for people who’ve struggled with unspoken social rules in real life. If you draw a Rule or Need you’re uncomfortable playing, you can discard it and draw another, no questions asked.

Tags: Aliens, Collaborative, Comical, Freeform, Improv, Light

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