Band-Aids & Bullet Holes

  • Fri Oct 25, 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Sam Dunnewold
  • Band-Aids & Bullet Holes
  • Violence in the style of R rated action movies
  • Open Door Policy, Other, Let's Not, Let's Try Another Way
  • ()
  • 4
  • 4 of 4
  • Created at the table


Find the assassin who ruined your life and take your bloody revenge on them. Band-Aids & Bullet Holes is a deck-builder tabletop role-playing game about a tight-knit community of professional assassins and the debts and vendettas between them. In each session, you take a single protagonist’s John Wick or Kill Bill-esque quest for vengeance and see it through to its inevitable conclusion.

Tags: Collaborative, Combat, Dark, Drama, GM-less, Graphic Violence, Modern, Noir, Play to find out, Silly

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