
  • Fri Oct 25, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Dana Leaman
  • Benediction
  • blasphemy, potentially graphic language, sexual subtext
  • Cut/Brake, Open Door Policy
  • ()
  • 4
  • 12 of 12
  • Created at the table


This larp is about a group of medieval nuns who are told that in five days their abbey will be blessed with a visit from a traveling priest and miracle worker. The priest is making his way through the plague-ridden countryside to deliver a sermon. As they anticipate his benediction, the nuns ruminate on their feelings about themselves, the others, God, and the arrival of the vagabond priest, which has awakened in them unprecedented fears and desires. Play to find out: who is this wandering priest to you? Threat, temptation, redemption? Or something else entirely?

This game won a 2023 Golden Cobra award in the category “Game That Made Us Cry the Most”. The judges commented:

“While not particularly sad on its surface, Benediction promises to be a deeply emotional experience — one that will make us cry.”

Tags: Alternate History, Collaborative, Emotional, Freeform, Play to find out, Provocative, Serious, Sex and Sexuality

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