- Fri Oct 17, 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM
- Lalita Devi
- Rotoscope (Microscope variation)
- All ages
- ()
- 4
- 0 of 5
- Created in game
Hey, remember that painfully bad b-movie we caught on late-night cable that one time? How did it go again? What was that awful line the guy kept saying? Does anyone remember the title?
In this tweak of the Microscope system, players use blank note cards to collaboratively outline one of the best worst movies never made.
Genre and narrative boundaries will be negotiated by the group before the game begins, the GM is flexible and willing to facilitate a range content.
Tags: Adventure, All ages, Alternate History, Apocalyptic, Collaborative, Combat, Comical, Dark, Drama, Emotional, Espionage, Fantasy, Hijinx, Horror, Intrigue, Investigation, Light, Melancholy, Military, Modern, Noir, Play to find out, Pulp, Romance, Rotating authority, Sci-Fi, Serious, Spy, Strong storyline, Super Powers, Suspenseful
I was terribly remiss in omitting the eminent Jackson Tegu’s name from this listing, as his Microscope variant ‘Kaleidoscope’ was the inspiration for this blatant and heavy-handed rip-off… so very B-Movie of me.
This sounds awesome!