Bringing Consent Culture to the Table

  • Fri Oct 25, 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Kitty Stryker, Gilly K, Natalie Pudim, Michelle Jones, Meguey Baker, Ambrose
  • Panel
  • Possible conversation referencing substance abuse, violence, sexuality, trauma, and other such subjects within the context of consent and boundaries.
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We all want to have a safe and comfortable atmosphere at our table, whether we’re playing a sweet cozy fantasy or a gritty grimdark horror. But while we’ve all heard TTRPG horror stories, it’s still not always super clear how to avoid living our own! Consent activist Kitty Stryker, author of “Ask Yourself: The Consent Culture Workbook,” puts together a panel of players and gamemasters to talk about best practices – before, during, and after a game. Learn how you can foster a consent culture at your table!

Tags: Provocative, Safety Tools, Social Contracts

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