But Not Tonight

But Not Tonight
  • Fri Oct 11, 8:00 PM - 12:00 AM
  • Clio Yun-su Davis
  • Freeform
  • X-card, Open Door policy, Cut/Brake
  • 563 (15)
  • 4
  • 0 of 7
  • Created at the table


But Not Tonight is a freeform LARP about the Cold War, high school social dynamics, and the struggle to find hope when the world around you might be burning to the ground. On a spring afternoon in 1986, the air raid siren at your high school goes off and the guidance counselor ushers you into the building’s fallout shelter with only a handful of other students. With no radio or other means of communicating with the outside world, it is unclear to all of you whether this is a drill, a mistake, or the real deal. As the hours pass and the possibility of nuclear annihilation grows more real, will you open up to people you never thought you would trust, dismantle the school’s social hierarchy as you know it, and say all the things you meant to keep secret?

Tags: Collaborative, Dark, Drama, Emotional, Freeform, Player antagonism, Serious, Suspenseful

3 comments to But Not Tonight

  • Ken Davidson


  • Clio Yun-su Davis

    Mobility-wise, the movement elements are completely optional and the default is pretty minimal – some changing positions around the room, people gathering in a circle and then splitting up to talk in smaller groups. People will be sitting in chairs with the option of sitting on the floor if they really want to. There is no fast movement whatsoever. Reading and writing-wise, there is some note-taking involved in character creation. I use a large font for the print outs. There is one audio cue, and music is used to set the tone in some scenes but it doesn’t serve a mechanical function. Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions and sorry for only just seeing this!

  • Kristine Hassell

    A late question, but what’s the accessibility for this LARP?

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