Changeling: Barrett’s Privateers

  • Fri Oct 25, 8:00 PM - 12:00 AM
  • Jeanette Krushinski
  • Changeling: The Lost, 2nd Ed.
  • X-Card, Lines/Veils, Open Door Policy
  • ()
  • 4
  • 4 of 4
  • Provided


“I was told we’d cruise the seas for American gold. We’d fire no guns, shed no tears. Now I’m a broken man on a Halifax Pier, the last of Barrett’s Privateers.”

Get ready for a swashbuckling and musical voyage that is doomed from the start! The year is 1778 and you play a group of Changelings from a small Canadian fishing village who sign up with the brash Changeling Captain Elcid Barrett on a quest for Goblin gold in the Caribbean. What you will find is a hard journey that ends in calamity. Live the story of Canada’s most famous sea shanty with a Changeling twist. Will you be the one who lives to tell the tale?

This game uses a simplified version of Changeling: the Lost 2nd Edition. Characters will be provided, but you are able to customize them to make them your own! This game will use an optional sea shanty mechanic where you can aid your crewmates through song! Knowledge of sea shanties or singing skill is not required. If you’re the type who loves to sing along to the chorus of a catchy tune, this may be the game for you!

Tags: Adventure, Alternate History, Collaborative, Combat, Fantasy, Gore, Graphic Violence, Horror, Intrigue, Suspenseful

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