Darkness in the Hearts of Mechs

  • Fri Oct 25, 8:00 PM - 12:00 AM
  • Tallula Memory
  • Armour Astir: Advent (PbtA)
  • X-Card, Other, O-Card
  • ()
  • 4
  • 5 of 5
  • Provided


Your squad of delusional mercenaries finally find their airship pointed toward an empyrean, one of the islands floating in the sky said to hold fortunes and dangers in equal measure. For the longest time no one but the people born there were allowed to tether in the heavens, but your lowly crew is the first to arrive on the scene of the one currently falling out of the sky. All the stupid angels born up there don”t wanna touch it, and no one from the ground dares to get close, so you’re channeling the Astirs, gearing up, and taking your shot.

This will be a game of Armour Astir: Advent: “A game of rival pilots clashing in steel-clad Astirs, of soldiers holding their own against the odds, and of spies and diplomats twisting the world to their ends. It is not a game of careful preparation or pleasant truces; It’s hard to change the world without taking a risk.” This is a PbtA game like no other, a personal favorite of mine, and one that I want to show people now that it is entirely “out”. Featured on the ever-popular Friends at the Table podcast. Find a free version here.

This will have pre-made characters in a scenario I’ve made up and not yet released, though I will encourage everybody to spruce them up, make them into cooler kinds of furries, give them twists you like better, change what their mechs look like, and so on.

Tags: Collaborative, Comical, Dark, Emotional, Espionage, Exploration, Fantasy, Horror, Improv, Intrigue, Light, Play to find out

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