Dead Letters from the Orchard (Playtest)

  • Sat Oct 26, 2:00 PM - 10:00 PM
  • Perry Clark
  • Call of Cthulhu
  • Content Warning: Content Warnings: Violence, Possible PVP, Trauma, Possible Self Harm. Mild racism/classism due to PCs being of POC. Risk and Harm to children, Suicide
  • X-Card, Lines/Veils, Cut/Brake
  • ()
  • 8
  • 5 of 5
  • Provided


1904. The town of West Harper’s Orchard has been struck by several gruesome deaths and disappearances in the last few days. Questions are many, and answers are what the investigator seek to find of those gone, or murdered. The recent ritualistic murder of several citizens of North Harper’s Orchard now strikes the fuse for solution. Especially, before North Harper’s Orchard decides to hang and burn all of West Harper’s Orchard to the ground.

POC/LGBTQ+ Centered character

Tags: Collaborative, Combat, Dark, Emotional, Gore, Graphic Violence, Horror, Investigation, Mystery, Provocative, Serious

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