Diverse Casting in TTRPG Actual Play

  • Fri Oct 25, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Jien Ogawa, Valiant Dorian, Jason Patrick Galit, Aida (she/her), Jade Valkyrie, Candace McAfee
  • Panel
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There are too many tables showing up in the Actual Play industry that are all white, have one (1) token BIPOC player, or treat diversity in casting just as a set of boxes to check. How do we recognise this, how do we learn from it, and most importantly, how do we address it at our own tables (as either a player or a GM)? We hope to leave you with a few things to keep in mind to make sure that when you are casting and participating in Actual Play productions, you are able to do so thoughtfully, respectfully, and without tokenising the diversity that you should seek.

Tags: GMing Advice, Player Advice, Social Justice

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