Elzemon and the Blood Drinking Box

  • Fri Oct 25, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Jerry Mccoy
  • Dungeon Crawl Classics
  • ()
  • 4
  • 6 of 6
  • Provided


You wish to curry favor with the powerful wizard Rhlabhast of Many Eyes, which is fortunate because he has just the job for you. You see, his most hated rival of the 5 known planes of existence, Nekros the Grotesque, another truly powerful wizard, has something (or did he mean some thing?) Rhalabhast desires: a box. Well the box isn’t really what he wants. What he wants is what is inside the box, what is trapped inside the box. Bring this box back to Rhalabhast and you will be rewarded. A simple smash and grab, how hard could it be? Oh, one more thing, the box must be fed blood to keep whatever is inside from getting out. What could go wrong?

This is a Level 1 Dungeon Crawl Classics adventure. If you’ve ever been curious about this game or just haven’t played this adventure, then come and join the fun. Beginners are most certainly welcome, and they are encouraged to give this game a try.

Tags: Adventure, Combat, Fantasy, Play to find out, Suspenseful

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