![Epee Fencing for Beginners](https://admin.bigbadcon.com/wp-content/uploads/formidable/88/swords-only.jpg)
- Thu Oct 11, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
- Jim Liebich
- Workshop
- Open Door policy
- Sacramento (Fencing)
- 1
- 0 of 12
For hundreds of years, fencing has captured the imagination of people of all ages. Who hasn’t imagined themselves fending off hordes of enemies with their skilled and flashing blade? This class brings the ancient art of dueling into the modern world, instructor Jim Liebich teaches the modern style of the unique and exciting sport of fencing. The class will be centered on the epee, a weapon with an easy to understand rule-set. Participants will learn the basics of movement, suit up and fence in this short, basic introductory course. No experience is necessary in order to participate.
All ages and abilities welcome. This activity is accessible friendly. A signed waiver is required to participate. Physical movement and exercise are a part of the class, so be sure to dress comfortably, preferably as you would for a workout. Anyone may bow out at any time for any reason.
Tags: Collaborative, Combat, Light, Modern
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