Gaming for Everyone: Accessibility in Layout Design

  • Sat Oct 26, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Mallorie Mize
  • Workshop
  • ()
  • 2
  • 21 of 20


Want to expand the audience that can enjoy your game? From board to book and everything in between, accessibility in gaming helps everyone. While it may seem minor to some, making small changes to your layout can open the world of your work to even more players. We’re here to help you learn how.

In this workshop, bring in 1-2 pages of your own work (or use the example provided) to learn all about how to make your game accessible to all the players that would enjoy it. It will be structured in two parts: In the first, we will discuss the best principles of accessible design, look into the most needed accessibility adjustments, and learn how to keep up with everchanging accessibility design. In the second, we will look at the provided layout and use the new information to improve what’s already there, keeping the spirit of the game while making sure everyone can enjoy it.


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