Imposter Syndrome and YOU

  • Sun Oct 27, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • PJ Megaw, Kris | dndimposter, Zakiya Goggins
  • Panel
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  • 50 of 50


Imposter Syndrome has become more and more prevelent. Trying to love yourself and what you create has become harder and harder. As creatives, as people with neurodivergences, it’s even more prevalent. In this panel we will discuss this topic, how we handle it to our best abilities, go deeper into the mental health aspects of it, and hopefully together we can be better armed for when it comes up. We all deserve to be happy with ourselves; at a TTRPG table and what we create regardless of what is around us. Hope to see you there.

Tags: Safety Tools, Social Contracts

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