Join the Tech—Clear the Planet!

Join the Tech—Clear the Planet!
  • Sat Oct 14, 6:00 PM - 12:00 AM
  • Brian Burnley
  • Dogs in the Vineyard
  • Open Door policy
  • 598 (35)
  • 6
  • 0 of 4
  • Created at the table


The Admiral is old and bedridden, but his message has never been more important. You must protect it, spread it, and ensure that it is followed exactly. Out there in the “normal” world, Repressive Persons run around like chickens with their heads cut off. But you’re not one of them. You’re not going to let that madness happen inside our Temple of Spiritual Technology (we call it The Tech). When you graduated from training, they gave you a copy of the Admiral’s book, an electronic device that reads minds, and a gun. You’ve got the tools to teach, to question, and to punish. Now you’re a teenage girl sailing with the Admiral’s Messengers on a mission to clear this planet!

Clearwater, Florida is imperiled. We brought the Tech here a few years ago, but now subversion, heresy, and looming death dwell openly among the people. You and the Messengers, the defenders of the Tech, are the only ones who can save these people. They’re in your hands. It won’t be easy, but together you can rescue them from madness, evil, and even psychiatry…

System: Dogs in the Vineyard. Set in a mythologized 1980s America where a religious movement took Hollywood by storm and is now making in-roads throughout the country, the players take the role of young women believers who have been trained to protect the Tech from all threats, inside and out. We will develop your characters, from their discovery of their mission to their graduation from training. Then the game will center on an occurrence of heresy and possession in the town of Clearwater; who is responsible, and what will you do to protect the Tech and the Admiral’s legacy?

Tags: Adult, Collaborative, Drama, Player antagonism, Serious

6 comments to Join the Tech—Clear the Planet!

  • Brian Burnley

    Hi all! I’m stepping in for Wilson to run a session of DitV. Because no convention should go on without the judgement of young zealots. See you Saturday!

  • Wilson Zorn

    i think the forum prevents duplicate posts, understandably. (Adding this text to see if I can duplicate the rest below…)

    I am so sorry to all but I am forced by unforeseen circumstances to cancel going. Below is what I sent to Sean Nittner which seems best to share on the matter:

    Hi Sean,

    I so regret sending this note, but I have to tell you I have to cancel.

    We have a family pet who has been with us all his 16 and a half years and is passing away today. Besides not wanting to leave my wife alone, other pets we have will be destabilized as this cat has been the one being in the house beloved by all.

    I really hate canceling and will pledge to come next year barring anything so unforeseen. I will post something on the game pages for my games forthwith.

    Best Regards and Have a Great Convention,

  • Brian Burnley

    By the Creator, all things are made possible!

  • Wilson Zorn

    Pray pardon me, young Brian, when you pass your final tests and the Creator so chooses, you will be dispatched forthwith! We pray for you as we pray for the good people of Covenant.

    Til a fortnight and the Creator so reunites us, pray remember me as I remember you.

  • Brian Burnley

    If any of these sinners abandon the Chosen, I’ll leave Central Temple on the fastest horse I can find.

  • Charles Picard

    Wilson + Dogs. Win!

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