Life in the Shadows

  • Sat Oct 26, 8:00 PM - 12:00 AM
  • W Quinellipe ("Quin") Zorn
  • Breakdown
  • MAY contain strong content, depends on play; we will discuss "no go" topics before play as well as rewind/rewrite in case anything offensive occurs during game
  • X-Card, Other, "No Go" topics
  • ()
  • 4
  • 4 of 4
  • Created at the table


The game Breakdown features highly-stressed protagonist (“Pro,” as we call these characters) trying to do some fundamental good amid a tide of inhumanity. Their emotional drive makes them powerful and vulnerable; they risk breaking down the harder they push.

The Life in the Shadows setting is focused on a near-future “Big Brother”/Orwellian state. Inspirations include today’s headlines about surveillance and privacy and/or fiction such as:

  • Brazil, the movie, where Sam Lowry tries to cope with the Orwellian state crushing him
  • “Life During Wartime” (especially the extended version) by the Talking Heads, as already mentioned above
  • Fahrenheit 451‘s Guy Montag, awoken by a precocious nonconformist and his wife’s suicide attempt to realize the desperation of his empty life, the oppression of his labor, and a sudden desire to truly experience life amid a culture bent on control, stultification, and self-indulgence
  • Blade Runner highlights characters caught in existential crisis – especially the “replicants” with their false memories and short lives

Some inspirations more specific to the world setting include:

  • The TV show Max Headroom: 15 Minutes
  • The roleplaying game Paranoia
  • The book Neuromancer
  • The book or movie A Clockwork Orange
  • The book 1984
  • The TV show The X-Files
  • The video for the song “Revolution Action” by Atari Teenage Riot
  • The TV show Dollhouse
Tags: Adventure, Collaborative, Cyberpunk, Dark, Drama, Emotional, Intrigue, Modern, Play to find out, Serious

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