Light in the Dark – Ten Candles

  • Fri Oct 25, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Scott Henderson
  • Ten Candles
  • Death, Violence, Suicide, Body Horror
  • X-Card, Lines/Veils, Open Door Policy
  • ()
  • 4
  • 5 of 5
  • Created at the table


Your job is simple: ride into town, retrieve any survivors, and get them to safety. The Humvee is loaded with enough gas to get there, but you’ll need to stop at a local station for refueling to get out again. Not too much room for passengers, so your team will have to be creative when you see what you’re dealing with. The helicopter pick-up at Drop Point Delta is arriving in less than two hours. You’ve got guns, and enough flood lights to surround your car with a halo of protection, at least for now, but little else.

There’s supposed to be a safehouse on the way into town that might have some supplies if it hasn’t been picked clean. For now though, the drive is long and the roads are dark. Be ready.

TEN CANDLES is tragic horror/play to lose storytelling game, played by candlelight. Ten Candles is not about “winning” or beating the monsters. It is a game about what happens in the dark, and about those who try to survive within it. It is a game about being pushed to the brink of madness and despair, searching for hope in a hopeless world, and trying to do something meaningful with your final few hours left.

Tags: Apocalyptic, Collaborative, Dark, Drama, Gore, Graphic Violence, Horror, Intrigue, Melancholy, Military, Mystery, Play to find out, Serious

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