![Masks vs Megafans](https://admin.bigbadcon.com/wp-content/uploads/formidable/masks.jpg)
- Sun Oct 15, 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
- Carl Rigney
- Masks
- No Content Advisory
- Lines/Veils, Open Door policy
- 564 (11)
- 4
- 0 of 4
- Created at the table
It’s time for Halcyon City MEGACON, as hordes of devoted fans descend upon the greatest supercon of all!
After the Golden, Silver, and Bronze Ages in Halcyon City, now it’s Your Age! You play teen superheroes trying to figure out who you are and what kind of heroes you want to be while others try to shape your identity. If you like Young Avengers, Teen Titans, Young Justice, and Runaways, this is your jam. System will be taught, beginners welcome.
Tags: Combat, Comical, Cute, Drama, Emotional, Hijinx, Light, Modern, Play to find out, Romance, Serious, Super Powers
What a great lineup of players! This will be the best Halcyon City MEGACON EVER!
Also, if anyone clicked on this event a minute after it opened and it was already sold out, I feel that also conveys the feel of MEGACON.