
  • Fri Oct 25, 8:00 PM - 12:00 AM
  • Rina Haenze
  • Cthulhu Dark
  • Body horror, potential PvP, some loss of agency
  • X-Card, Open Door Policy, Other, Pre-game discussion
  • ()
  • 4
  • 4 of 4
  • Created at the table


April, 2019: A group of friends put together a group cosplay to enter a cosplay competition at a comic con in Poznan, Poland. Reality begins to blur and shift during the convention, and the group soon realize they may have signed up for something far, far stranger than just a cosplay competition…

Note: Although set in Poland, you do not need to know Polish or anything about Poland to play!

Tags: Collaborative, Comical, Dark, Exploration, Hijinx, Horror, Improv, Modern

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