Narrative and Nightmare: Crafting Horror Stories for TTRPGs

  • Fri Oct 25, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Aaron Hammonds
  • Panel
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  • 1
  • 50 of 50


“Narrative and Nightmare: Crafting Horror Stories for TTRPGs” offers a back-to-basics exploration of horror storytelling in tabletop role-playing games. Designed for both players and producers, attendees will learn to leverage the core tropes and tenets of the horror genre to craft immersive and spine-chilling narratives.

By exploring the psychology of fear, dissecting classic horror archetypes, and unraveling the time-tested trajectory of horror narratives, attendees will discover the fundamental elements behind horror storytelling in TTRPG settings. Panelists will share practical, system-agnostic techniques for building tension, creating atmosphere, and evoking dread within the game world, ensuring that players are fully immersed in the haunting tales they weave.

Tags: GMing Advice, Player Advice, Safety Tools, Social Contracts

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