Narrative Improv for Gamers

  • Sun Oct 27, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Cassie Parentila
  • Workshop
  • ()
  • 2
  • 20 of 20


In this workshop, you’ll learn to improvise a narrative, as either a standalone performance or part of a persistent campaign “from scratch,” using a single suggestion–a word or theme for you to build into a story like you might see in a short play or film. We’ll cover the basics of unscripted theatre, genre, and character conventions, and learn about how to use familiar storycrafting tools as a launchpad to build a living world to play in before putting it all together. You’ll work together in small groups to create a distinctive setting for your adventure, build and play resonant characters who move through personal journeys, and by the end of the workshop, you’ll perform scenes from your narrative and tell us your story! Complete beginners who have never tried either role-playing games or improvisation are enthusiastically welcomed!


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