Oops! All Mexicans! Living TTRPGs from a Mexican Perspective

  • Sun Oct 27, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Claudia Sanchez, Jorge Martinez, Luis Rodriguez, Deborah Gonzalez, Miguel Angel Ballesteros
  • Panel
  • ()
  • 1
  • 50 of 50


TTRPGs have been growing steadily, more so now than ever before. In Mexico and in the American diaspora, we have been slowly exposed to them, sometimes second hand due to American culture permeating entertainment and games. Despite where we live, we all share some aspects of how we experience TTRPGs; culture, socioeconomics, the way we buy, play, create art, write, and play them. Join us in a full panel of Mexican gamers and creators as we discuss what podcasts or actual plays do differently, what is shared amongst us all, how we build communities, address cultural representation, and navigate the TTRPG spaces.


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