Big Bad Academy Friends: Researching, Preserving, and Sharing TTRPG Communal Knowledge

  • Sun Oct 27, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Kienna Shaw, Lauren Bryant-Monk, Em Friedman, Dare Hickman, Nicole Winchester
  • Panel
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  • 50 of 50


For as long as the TTRPG industry has existed, people have come together to study and share their expertise in game design, actual play production, play theory, and more. But as the online spaces we exist in implode and fizzle out, we lose decades of community information in the blink of an eye.

Join this panel hosted by the co-curators of the TTRPG Safety Toolkit alongside other experts across the TTRPG industry to discuss how we collect, preserve, and share the most powerful resource of all – knowledge.


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