Six Space Larps

  • Sat Oct 26, 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Jason Morningstar
  • Various
  • Some characters are romantically involved, or want to be. The risk of death or harm is present in many of the games. Some games question the agency and freedom of sapient beings.
  • Open Door Policy, Other, Custom tools for safer play
  • ()
  • 4
  • 12 of 12
  • Provided


Join me for a series of tiny larps all set in a shared science fiction universe. Each is built for precisely four players (one of whom always plays an intelligent starship) and one hour or less! This means that we can play multiple games, each of which informs the others in interesting ways. There are nobles, pirates, lovers, rivals, secret identities, and a star-killing warship in mourning. The plan is to split into multiple groups and play perhaps three games each. Six Space Larps will be fun for you if you like punchy, freeform play and making tough decisions under pressure. Also, since each game requires exactly four, it’s important that you either show up or send someone in your place.

Tags: Adventure, Collaborative, Dark, Drama, Graphic Violence, Improv, Provocative, Sci-Fi, Serious, Sex and Sexuality, Suspenseful

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