Source of Dreams


A multifaceted storytelling game about transformation while reaching one’s dreams. Play for entertainment, worldbuilding, or much deeper: divination (think tarot or oracle cards)… Not for prophecy, but to gain insight into the possibilities of your journey towards a goal and the resources you’ll need to get there.


You are a passionate, driven, individual embarking on the next phase of your journey towards your ultimate dream. You understand, however, that the real goal isn”t just reaching the destination. Nor is it entirely about the journey. It is about how you change as a person.

Your primary objective is to increase your Resourcefulness as you travel an allegorical dream map towards your ultimate Dream. You will face many Scenarios, events that tests your use of one or two Resources, and tell the story of how they unfold.

In many games, resources represent external, material objects that you possess. But in this game, the definition of Resource is expanded to also include the internal, non-physical assets we possess. The 5 Resources are: Information, Skills, Environment/Equipment, Relationships, and Balance. Together, Resources represent your overall Resourcefulness in overcoming challenges. Though they fluctuate based on dice rolls and the outcome of your decisions. They are your strengths. They are your weaknesses. They are your Source of Dreams.

Tags: Collaborative, Improv

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