Spoken Legends: A New Saga

  • Sat Oct 26, 8:00 PM - 12:00 AM
  • Dylan Grinder
  • Spoken Legends
  • X-Card, Open Door Policy
  • ()
  • 4
  • 3 of 3
  • Created at the table


Within you grows a legendary strength. A strength that rises from your past to forge the future. But that strength must be given shape and meaning, and with your companions at your side be changed into something greater. Before your legend can be written it must be spoken.

Spoken Legends is a prompt-based collaborative storytelling game for one to four players, building on the structure of Spoken Magic. The game guides you, a group of fantasy adventurers, through an ancient world threatened by a great evil that can only be defeated by your unique strengths- a process that has players sharing their own self-made abilities and combining them into legendary powers fit to save the world (while collecting a little treasure here and there along the way). Throughout this journey you will meet the people of the land, solve their troubles, and discover what it really means to become a legend.

Tags: Adventure, Collaborative, Drama, Fantasy, Improv, Melancholy, Play to find out, Serious

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